Are you worried about getting a loan because of your SCHUFA score? Or are you tired of paying hefty fees for using loan calculators? Then, we have some great news for you! Introducing Finanzcheck – the ultimate solution to all your loan-related worries. With its SCHUFA-neutral loan calculator that is free of charge, it simplifies the process of finding and selecting loans that meet your specific needs. So why wait? Read on to learn more about how Finanzcheck can help you kickstart your financial journey hassle-free!
What is Finanzcheck?
Finanzcheck is a loan calculator that can be used to calculate the interest rates for different loan products. It is SCHUFA-neutral, meaning that it does not rely on your personal financial data and can therefore be used by anyone. The calculator is free of charge and can be accessed via the website
Finanzcheck is a free loan calculator from the financial institution Schufa. It allows you to calculate your monthly payments and the total amount of your loan. The tool is SCHUFA-neutral, which means that it does not favour one financial institution over another. This makes it an ideal tool for comparison purposes.
How Finanzcheck works
Finanzcheck is a free loan calculator that enables you to calculate the amount of a loan with SCHUFA. The calculator is SCHUFA-neutral, meaning that it does not take into account your individual credit rating.
To use the Finanzcheck loan calculator, first enter your desired loan amount in Euros and select your financing option from the drop-down menu. You can also enter information about the borrower and the property being financed. Next, use the calculators repayment schedule and interest rate to calculate the total cost of the loan. Finally, click on the “Calculate” button to generate a final debt estimate based on your input data.
The Finanzcheck tool is perfect for borrowers who want to compare different financing options and get an estimate for how much they would need to borrow in order to purchase a property. The tool is also helpful for borrowers who are looking for a quick overview of their monthly repayments and associated costs.

Benefits of using Finanzcheck
Finanzcheck is a loan calculator which can be used by individuals and companies to calculate the interest rate that would be applicable to a loan. The tool is free of charge and is available at In addition, the calculator can be used to determine the monthly repayments on a loan as well as the total amount of debt that would need to be repaid over time.
The benefits of using Finanzcheck include the following:
-The tool is free of charge and available at;
-It can be used to calculate the interest rate that would be applicable to a loan, as well as the monthly repayments and total amount of debt that would need to be repaid over time;
-The calculator is SCHUFA-neutral, meaning it does not take into account personal or financial characteristics of users.
Disadvantages of not using Finanzcheck
There are a few disadvantages of not using Finanzcheck when borrowing money. The first disadvantage is that you will not receive SCHUFA credit ratings. The second disadvantage is that you will have to pay interest on the loan, which can add up over time. Additionally, if you do not repay the loan on time, you will likely face penalties such as increased interest rates or even bankruptcy. Finally, if you lose your job or income for any reason, you may be unable to repay the loan in a timely manner and end up with more debt than before.
There are several disadvantages of not using Finanzcheck when applying for a loan. The first disadvantage is that it can be difficult to compare different loans based on their terms and conditions. This is because Finanzcheck only provides information about interest rates, fees, and other in-depth details about the loan.
The second disadvantage is that you may have to wait longer than you would if you used Finanzcheck. This is because Finanzcheck pulls data from a number of different credit agencies, which can take time.
The third disadvantage is that you may not be eligible for the best possible loan terms if you do not use Finanzcheck. This is because many banks use the information that they obtain from Finanzcheck when deciding whether or not to offer a loan to a customer.
If you’re looking to finance a purchase or want to see how your finances might look in different scenarios, the loan calculator on Finanzcheck is a great resource. It’s free of charge and SCHUFA-neutral, meaning it will always provide accurate information about your borrowing options. So whether you’re considering purchasing your first home or just need some clarification about a pending loan, make sure to check out Finanzcheck’s loan calculator!
We hope that our loan calculator has been helpful in getting a better understanding of the different types of loans available and in making an informed decision about the best lender for you. The use of this calculator is free of charge, and it is maintained by SCHUFA. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us.