ThriftBooks : New & Used Books | Buy Cheap Books Online
At ThriftBooks, we believe reading should be affordable and accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer a huge selection of new and used books at prices that are up to 90% off the list price. Plus, with our Best Value Pricing, you can always be sure you’re getting the best deal. Whether you’re looking for a new bestseller or a classic novel, we have something for everyone. We also believe in giving back. For every book sold, we donate a book to someone in need—because we believe that education is fundamental to a better world. Ready to start reading? Shop now and see how much you can save!
What is ThriftBooks?
ThriftBooks is an online marketplace for buying and selling used books. It was founded in 2003 by two former Amazon employees, Todd Price and John Uppendahl. The company is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.
ThriftBooks sells used books at a discount price, typically 50-90% off the list price of a new book. The company offers free shipping on orders over $10 and free returns within 30 days. ThriftBooks offers a wide selection of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, textbooks, and more.
The company has a satisfaction guarantee that allows customers to return any book that they are not satisfied with within 30 days for a full refund. ThriftBooks also offers a loyalty program called “ThriftClub” which gives members access to exclusive discounts and deals.
How to find Cheap Books Online
If you’re looking for cheap books, the best place to start is online. There are a number of different websites that offer books at deeply discounted prices, and you can often find titles that are otherwise out of print or difficult to find.
One great option is ThriftBooks. This website offers used books at very reasonable prices, and they also have a wide selection of titles. Shipping is typically very reasonable as well, so it’s a great option for those looking to save money on their next book purchase.
Another great website for finding cheap books is AbeBooks. This site specializes in used, rare, and out-of-print books, so it’s a great option if you’re looking for something specific. Prices can vary depending on the condition of the book and the seller, but you can often find good deals on AbeBooks.
Finally, don’t forget about your local library! Libraries typically have a large selection of books available for borrowing, and you can often find some great deals on books by checking out the library’s sales or used book section.
The Different Types of Books You Can Buy from ThriftBooks
There are a variety of different types of books that you can buy from ThriftBooks. Whether you are looking for a new or used book, there is sure to be something that meets your needs.
One type of book that you can buy from ThriftBooks is a new book. New books are typically in excellent condition and have never been read before. If you are looking for a particular title, chances are good that you will be able to find it at ThriftBooks.
Used books are another option that is available from ThriftBooks. Used books may show some wear and tear, but they are typically still in good condition. If you are looking for a bargain, used books may be the way to go.
Some other types of books that you can buy from ThriftBooks include rare and out-of-print books. These types of books may be hard to find elsewhere and can be quite valuable. If you come across a rare or out-of-print book at ThriftBooks, it is definitely worth considering purchasing.
Why You Should Check Out ThriftBooks
There are plenty of reasons to check out ThriftBooks, the leading online thrift store for new and used books. For one, you can find great deals on cheap books online, saving you money on your next read. But beyond the great prices, ThriftBooks offers a number of other benefits that make it worth checking out.
For starters, ThriftBooks sells high-quality used books that have been carefully inspected and graded. This means you can be confident in the condition of the book you’re buying, knowing that it will be just like new. Plus, all orders ship for free, so you don’t have to worry about paying extra for shipping.
Finally, ThriftBooks is a great way to support independent bookstores. When you buy from ThriftBooks, you’re supporting small businesses and helping to keep the literary world alive and thriving. So not only do you get a great deal on your next book, but you also get the satisfaction of knowing you’re supporting a good cause.
Why buy from ThriftBooks?
There are many reasons to buy from ThriftBooks. Here are just a few:
-We offer a huge selection of new and used books at incredibly low prices.
-We ship quickly and reliably, so you can get the books you want fast.
-We have a commitment to customer satisfaction, so you can be sure you’re getting the best possible service.
What types of books does ThriftBooks sell?
ThriftBooks sells a wide variety of books, including new, used, and hard-to-find titles. You can find bestsellers, classics, textbooks, and more. Plus, ThriftBooks offers free shipping on orders over $10!
How to find the best deals on ThriftBooks
To find the best deals on ThriftBooks, start by visiting the website and browsing the categories. Then, use the search bar to find specific titles or authors. Once you’ve found a book you’re interested in, click on the listing to see more details. On the listing page, you’ll see the book’s condition, price, and shipping information. You can also read customer reviews to get an idea of what others think of the book. If you’re satisfied with the listing, add the book to your cart and checkout.
How to order from ThriftBooks
ThriftBooks is an online retailer of used books. Ordering from ThriftBooks is easy and convenient. Simply browse the website for the titles you’re interested in, add them to your cart, and checkout. You can pay for your order with a credit card or PayPal. Shipping is free on orders over $10.